Html Code Convert 3.3.1
HTML Code Convert helps speed up the conversion of HTML code into different format including Java Script, JavaServer Pages, Microsoft ASP…
MailAmp Voice Email 1.2
Voice email plug-in for Outlook. Record voice messages in an MP3 format that you can send to anyone.
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Home > Nyc software

QuickStart 2.2.7
QuickStart is useful for those people, who find it very time consuming to go through the Start Menu every time. With this application, you…
Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP2 2.0
Virtual Serial Ports Driver (VSPD) is a Windows device driver. Using it you can create any number of virtual serial COM ports in your…
ACH Wizard 2.2
ACH Wizard provides businesses with the easiest way to create ACH origination files. The software allows your business to perform Direct…

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