Movie Catalog 5.1
Movie Catalog: Catalog your movie library in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by…
BadRothenfel Courthouses 2.8.72
BadRothenfel courthouses search. You could conduct an exhaustive courthouses search in BadRothenfel from your entire network of specialized…
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Home > Navigation bar software

ATS MultiPage Control Center 1.0.0
Open and control multiple web pages with your favorite browser. Hide and show the selected pages (or all of them), open and close…
CVP optimizer 1.0.6
CVP optimizer uses the Markowitz-Sharpe approach as applied to planning to increase profitability of a company’s activities. Any purchases…
MacInfoTip 1.13
Allows you to display Macintosh files information in Windows Explorer tooltips - Type code, Creator code , Data fork size, Resource fork…

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