LBE Free Helpdesk 2.5
Free multi-user helpdesk system - no timeouts, no tricks!!! This is an earlier version of our helpdesk system and is completely free to…
Program watches selected Directory for changes, if change occurs, it transfers copy of changed file to selected destination on same…
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Home > Netscape software

Easy Graphics File Converter 5.41
Converts from GIF, JPG, PNG and BMP graphics files to JPG, PNG and BMP files. Allows single or multiple file conversion. Can convert to…
Pedigree Cats Screensaver 2.0
The Free Pedigree Cats Screen Saver by displays 95 images of some of the most elegant and precious felines you may…
FastPaste 1.90
FastPaste does save your time. Paste frequently used text, formatted text and images with custom hotkeys! Makes it easy to enter frequently…

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