ImageFox 2.0
ImageFox 2.0 is a timesaving image and multimedia previewer. It lets you preview files in most Windows Open/Save_as dialog boxes while…
Zoom Studio 2.15
Zoom Studio 2 : Manage images, Zoom images in realtime, Display images in Fullscreen, Create Zoomable thumbnail galleries, Create smooth…
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programs found: 11.

1.1st Atomic Time 2.12 ( free  1st Atomic Time download
the time at Windows startup without wasting your computer's resources. You can keep a log of all operations to check the activity. You can configure 1st Atomic Time to operate as a time server. Then you can ensure you have the exact time on any computer in your network. 1st Atomic Time can adjust the system time correctly even if you have irregular Windows time zone…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Green Parrots Software | Size: 707 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Timers & Time Synch
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2.7-Zip 4.32 ( free  7-Zip download
the highest compression ratio. The program supports 7z, ZIP, RAR, CAB, ARJ, LZH, CHM, CPIO, RPM, DEB, GZIP, BZIP2, Z and TAR formats. Compression ratio in the new 7z format is 30-50% better than ratio in ZIP format. Also 7-Zip compresses to ZIP 2-10% better than PKZip and WinZip. 7-Zip has additional powerful command line version and FAR Manager support. 7-Zip is a file archiver with…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 2798 | Author: Igor Pavlov | Size: 820 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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3.Advanced Disk Catalog 1.51 ( free  Advanced Disk Catalog download
folders and files into categories; browse inside ZIP, ARJ, RAR, CAB, ARC, ACE and LZH archives; add comment to each file, folder and disk; search for files and folders using file name or your own comments (with wildcards), limiting the search results by date, size and category; search for files in archives; search for duplicated files; generate the reports; import descriptions from…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 306 | Author: Vladimir Katalov | Size: 1410 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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4.EF Commander 5.00 ( free  EF Commander download
Support for archived files. * Internal packers for 7-Zip, BZIP2, CAB, GZIP, LHA, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP and ZOO. Unpackers for 7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP and ZOO formats. * Encode/Decode files in UUE, XXE and MIME…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 75 | Author: Emil Fickel | Size: 3607 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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5.EF Find 3.20 ( free  EF Find download
and regular expressions inside 7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP and ZOO archives. Multilingual. Shareware, FREE Updates. EF Find is a powerful search program. Look for files, text, HEX sequences and regular expressions inside 7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Emil Fickel | Size: 1808 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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6.INF-Tool Lite 6.3d ( free  INF-Tool Lite download
programs! INF-Tool Lite is a setup program which creates today's SMALLEST setup packages possible for an unbeatable price: It's FREE!! Great especially for Internet or common network distribution since it saves download times drastically. It also supports Windows internal INF setup feature which gives it enourmous power and flexibility - but without having to learn any…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Richey F. | Size: 1584 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Development > Install & Setup
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7.LAN Spider ( free  LAN Spider download
automatically. The following formats are supported: ACE, ARC, ARJ, CAB, LZH, RAR, TAR, ZIP, ZOO. Domain, workgroup and IP range addressing. You may specify the target hosts by specifying a range of computers within a domain or workgroup or by entering a range of numeric IP addresses. Plenty of search filters and options. You may find files that contain a certain string or have a…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Maxim Nukin | Size: 985 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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8.Total Commander 6.54a ( free  Total Commander download
like subdirectories. It supports ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR/GZ/CAB/ACE archives, and has an internal ZIP-compatible packer. The search function allows to search for files inside archives, even for text. A command line helps starting programs with parameters, and a fully configurable button bar allows to launch programs and inter- nal commands. The built-in viewer can show…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Christian Ghisler | Size: 1629 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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9.Where Is It? 3.71 ( free  Where Is It? download
capabilities, massive archive file support (zip, arj, rar, ace, cab, lha/lzh, arc, tar, gzip, z, sfx, and others that can be presented in catalog as virtual folders), multi-language support, automated description and thumbnails importing through extendable plugins from more than 70 different sources, and much more. WhereIsIt? is a media cataloging software for Windows 9x, ME, NT 4.0…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 13133 | Author: Robert Galle | Size: 4065 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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10.ZipZag 1.44 ( free  ZipZag download
an advanced archiver that handle ZIP, 7ZIP, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, CZIP, DEB, EAR, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, JAR, LHA, LZH, LZS, PAK, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAR.Z, TAZ, TZ, TAR.BZ2, TBZ, TB2, TBZ2, TAR.GZ, TGZ, WAD, WAR, WMZ, WSZ, Z, B64, UUE, XXE. Features include extract, add, delete, sfx…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 702 | Author: Gabriel Valentin Cristescu | Size: 2191 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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11.ZipZag 1.73 ( free  ZipZag download
Windows/DOS archives (Zip, 7z, Ace, Arc, Arg, Arj, Asd, Bel, Bza, Cab, Czip, Dz, Ear, Gca, Gza, Imp, Jak, Jam, Jar, Lha, Lzh, Lzs, Rar, Rez, Spl, Sqx, War, Yz1, Zac, Zoo), Mac archives (Bin, Cpt, Pit), Linux/Unix archives (Bzip2, C, Cpio, Deb, Devpak, F, Gzip, Rpm, Shar, Slp, Tar, Tardist, Taz, Tbz, Tgz, Tpz, Txf, Tz, Tzb, Z, Zba), encoded files (B64, Bhx, Bnh, Boo, Btoa, Enc, Hqx…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 4267 | Author: Gabriel Valentin Cristescu | Size: 3675 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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Easy Photo Maker 1.0.7
Save money on expensive photo paper. Other graphics programs can only print one image per page. With Easy Photo Maker, you can layout as…
EGuest PRO 4.1
EGuest PRO is a comprehensive guestbook system based on the popular guestbook system EGuest. It excels any other guestbook scripts…
NeuroSolutions for MATLAB 2.00
The NeuroSolutions for MATLAB neural network toolbox is a valuable addition to MATLAB's technical computing capabilities allowing users to…

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