Music Catalogue 4.5
Music Catalogue help you to organize all your music - old records, cd, mp3 or tapes - in one complete solution. You can store information…
MClipboard 2.1
MClipboard manager provides you with 10 Windows clipboards, so that you can simultaneously copy and paste 10 different data segments…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Wasp software

POP3 Webmail ASP 2.3
Send and receive email from any computer on the web. Install webmail on your server or upload it to your ASP web-hosting account. Full…
Moraff CyberPinball 3.50
Play pinball on your PC. This well-rendered pinball game includes five different machines. It features 3D bumpers and flippers, an hour of…
Screen Calendar 7.0
Create custom desktop with built in active calendar (small or large and even transparent) just over wallpaper, with the useful to-do list…

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