Loveline Video Personals 4.1.3
Chat via text, voice, and video with the Loveline Video Messenger and view as many videos as your computer can handle, or simply one in…
ESBRoutines 3.0.0
A free collection of miscellaneous routines for Borland Delphi that covers many areas. Includes full source and Help.
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Home > Masked input software

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Home > Masked input software

TokiVoki Voice Editor
Voice Recorder, Editor and Emailer, fast, user-friendly. Record your voice message or a note, edit, email it. Prepare your speech with…
Antechinus PHP Editor 2.0
Antechinus PHP Editor allows you create, edit and run PHP scripts from the integrated Featuring: * Context-sensitive help * He…
#1 free-trial information management program. You've got all-in-one software package: Tasks, Contacts, Links, Calendar, Calculator…

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