Telemarketing Blocker 3.0.0
Telemarketing Blocker is free Caller ID screen software that retrieves caller's telephone number using your voice modem (you must have…
Winmail Mail Server 4.3
Winmail Server is an enterprise class mail server software system offering a robust feature set, including extensive security measures…
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Home > Capi software

goal-getter 1.8.4
Goal-Getter - your interactive career as a football Initial Situation You are a young and very gifted forward. Now you're getting t…
Noah's Ark Screen Saver 3.0
This screen saver combines a cute animation of Noah's Ark rocking on the water with 40 different wildlife sounds.
CryptoCrat 2005 4.61
CryptoCrat 2005 compresses multiple files into one single encrypted file using strong encryption. It transforms files data into gabberish…

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