Euro Calculator 3.5
Euro Calculator is a calculator and currency converter with internet agent that collects daily rates. Features include a spreadsheet…
OLCalendarSync 1.21
Use your appointments together with others, your partners must not be in the same LAN with you. This Add-In synchronizes your Outlook…
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Home > Discotheque software

Boomer Audio 5.0
Add streaming audio to your web pages that works at Convert your WAV and MP3 files seamlessly just drag and drop them into Boomer A…
Graphic Accounts 1.3
A powerful personal financial planning and budgeting tool . Dynamic dual-chart display. Adjust all amounts with easy-to-see spin controls…
LanFlow Net Diagrammer 5.04
LanFlow is a drawing tool for laying out, designing, and documenting a network, LAN, internet, or other communications system.

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