Address Organizer 3.6
Complete program that will help you organize personal or business addresses, emails, phones, WEB pages. Easily View, Retrieve Information…
DayView 1
The Day View OCX is a list of items or appointments for a day which is like the Microsoft Outlook Day View displayed in the calendar.
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Chat acronyms software

Media Maestro 1.0
Alienizer is a fast and easy way to publish your images as a media presentation or a screensaver. You can add text comments, sound effects…
Mailbox Guard 1.72
The ultimate email protection against the cyberscam. It is effective against SPAM, viruses, worms, spyware and obscenity.
Fort Worth Birth Patents 4.0.94
Fort Worth birth parents database - Find Fort Worth birth parents records instantly with our search engine.It's easy to find someone's…

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