Knowledge Store 1.0.0 Find FREEDOM with a place to store every piece of information your organization has just laying around, The Knowledge Store from KC7JHO
Complete Excel Names 1.1 Complete Excel Names is a free COM add-in that allows you to set the width of the Name Box in Microsoft
The add-in is based on Add-i
IP Electronic Dice 1.01 IP Electronic Dice is a personal Electronic Dice for windows. Play games using electronic dice. From 1 to 3 dice. From 1 to 20 sided dice
U-Wipe 2.5 U-Wipe is an easy-to-use privacy tool that allows you to clean all your IE, Windows, Office tracks, block pop up ads, hide sites that you
Actual Window Decorations 2.0 Make windows easy to use and attractive! Add transparency effects, rollup action and title buttons! Add handy new "Minimize to Tray," "Stay