Word Seeker 1.01
Word Seeker is a classic concentration game that helps children learn word skills. The object of the game is to match the first word with…
Incredi IE Manager 1.3
Add Many Features to Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with this easy to use but powerful program .It gives you the power of pop-up blocking…
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Home > Contextual menu plugin software

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Operational system: Any | Windows 95 | 98 | ME | NT | 2000 | XP | CE | Unix | Palm | Mac

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Home > Contextual menu plugin software

WatchDog 8.4
WatchDog limits, protects and monitors what your users do on the computer. Limit time spent on the computer, and restrict what they can…
ImageSite Pro 1.1
ImageSite Pro is a tool for creating entire sites of images complete with thumbnail indexes and custom banners and links, just from a set…
FCU 1.4.0
FCU is an utility for comparing files and directories. The compared fieles are shown in two windows side by side. In a third window the…

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