Simplyzip 1.1b63
Simplyzip is a multi archiver.Can open:ZIP,CZIP,ACE,CAB,RAR,TAR,GZIP,LZH,BZ2,SQX, RS, UUE,XXE,BASE64,UCL,ARJ,ZLIB,RPM,DEB,7-ZIP Create: 7z…
AB Screen Locker 3.62
A small utility that allows you to lock your screen. Any key combinations (like CTRL+ALT+DEL, ALT+TAB or CTRL+ESC) are disabled. If the…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Sales force automation software

TIFF Page Counter COM Component 1.00
The com component will quickly tell you how many pages are in a tiff file, ideal for web sites that serve tiff Example .asp code i…
Serank 1.0
This program will tell you exactly where your website ranks for keywords or key phrases you input on up to 4 search engines. A great tool…
FineCrypt 8.1
Professional encryption tool with the following features: highly secure encryption with a single mouse click; secure communication with…

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