Lucigenic TCP 2.1
Lucigenic TCP/IP is an advanced COM Server implementation of the TCP/IP protocol. This RFC compliant foundation level component provides a…
U-Wipe 2.5
U-Wipe is an easy-to-use privacy tool that allows you to clean all your IE, Windows, Office tracks, block pop up ads, hide sites that you…
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Home > Email sender express software

Battle for Moscow 1.0h
Free turn based wargame covering Operation Typhoon in late 1941. Replay the German unsuccessfull attempt to capture Moscow, followed by the…
Disk Space Recovery Wizard 6.5
Reclaim hundreds of Megabytes of wasted space by over 50 types of junk files, temp files, garbage data, cookies, temp files, redundant…
Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX 1.0
Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX SDK Features Caller ID Extraction,Digit Monitor and Playback, Wave File Playback and Recording on Phone Line. You…

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