RSP Checksum OCX 2.6.0
ActiveX OCX to compute very fast the checksum of strings or files using Adler32 , CRC32 , MD5 , SHA-1 and SHA-256
HDD Temperature 1.3
HDD Temperature is monitoring software that protects your hard-drives from getting overheated. Temperature Pro can monitor multiple HDDs…
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Home > Ccnp software

SXAzip v 1.00 r 7
Create WIN32 Self eXtracting Archives, ideal for distributing software and personal SXAzip can process a simple scripting languag…
Chess Magician 3.00
In this game, you play against the famous Gigantic Computer who claimed to be unconquerable, and get the almighty AI Magician's help if you…
Headline Viewer 0.9.5
Headline Viewer displays syndicated news headlines from over 3100 sources in a clean and organized fashion. Use Headline Viewer as a…

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