A-1 Wallpaper Pro 1.1
Display your favorite images as your desktop wallpaper with over 20 customizing features. Includes adding your own caption to each image.
HS FTPExplorer 3.45
With this easy-to-use software, it is possible to upload and download files and directories from/to your website or an ftp server . Simply…
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Home > Study any subject software

Neodeck Tool Tip Control 1.0
The free Neodeck Software Tool Tip control looks like the XP tool tip and allows you to display interactive help to your users. You can…
MP3 WAV Converter 3.12
MP3 WAV Converter is the ideal all-in-one tool for converting batches of MP3 into WAV for CD burning. Want to get more music on a disk…
FTIR Screensaver 2003
FTIR Screensaver contains images and screenshots of FTIR Spectrometer and Gas Analysis Software ( FT-IR IMACC FTIR is a leading provid…

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