Fiber Tree 1.04
Addictive, simple and original, this puzzle game is sure to win your heart. The goal of the game is to inlay the board with branchlike…
SecurDesk! LV 5.32
An ideal desktop replacement for those who need to prevent Windows or users from rearranging the desktop, for those who wish to create…
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Home > Contextual menu plugin software

NutriGenie Kidney Disease Nutrition 4.6a
This program is based on U.S. Surgeon General's and National Institutes of Health's guidelines for kidney disease dietary management. Prop…
NewName Pro 1.52
The program NewName Pro makes it possible to rename and sort files, to change the file attributes (date, time, readonly, ...), to make or…
MP3 Viewer 2.0
The Right Click MP3 Player! A quick, suitable, mp3 player "add-on" for Windows. MP3 Viewer plays MP3 files with a right click of the mouse…

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