Gin Rummy by MeggieSoft Games 2006
A very comprehensive implementation including Hollywood and Oklahoma variations. Play against an online opponent or against your computer…
Cache & Cookie Washer 4.5
Cleans browser tracks for Internet Explorer, Netscape and AOL: including the cache, cookies, history, Auto-complete form data, and more.
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Home > Pop up killer software

RedBlue Classics 1.0
Play Othello, Go-Moku, Connect Four and five more classic board games! Enjoy the beautiful and user friendly interface. Test your logic…
VaryView 1.4
Image viewer / converter for picture, photo, fax and CAD files created in popular raster and vector graphics formats. It allows you to…
NXPowerLite 2.1
NXPowerLite can reduce the size of your PowerPoint files by as much as 95%. It's fully customizable, allowing you to balance compression…

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