ProofSheets 1.0
Shares photos on the Web or on CD. Uses Browser for familiar interface. Fast browsing, can support high-resolution images.
CHAOS Shredder 3.0
CHAOS Shredder will completely erase files from your disk, without the possibility to recover it by any practical software or hardware…
Example:  KaZaA
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1.Free Asmw Eraser Pro 3.4 ( free  Free Asmw Eraser Pro download
Kazaa, ICQ2003 and many others. Additional features include a secure file-shredder, scheduled cleanups, Boss Key, and support for Netscape and Opera. Asmw Eraser Pro completely implements the US Department of Defense DOD 5220.22-M and NSA clearing and sanitizing standards, You can then completely…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 91 | Author: asmwsoft | Size: 1700 kb | Freeware
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Home > Undelete file software

BpmChecker 3.0
Determine the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Includes…
Mac PDF2Text 1.00
Mac PDF2Text is a plug-in conversion tool for Acrobat Which is used to convert your PDF documents into plain text ascii files. Options are…
RoboGEO 3.3
Geotag photos with latitude, longitude, and altitude info. Stamp it onto the images or write it to the EXIF headers. Export Google Maps…

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