TaxMe-UK 1.2
TaxMe-UK provides a break-down of the tax and other deductions on your UK salary. Just configure your personal details, and those of your…
CD Extraction Wizard 1.7
Extract and encode CD audio into WAV,MP3,WMA,OGG files with step-by-step wizard interface.
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Home > S3m software

MyCash 5.31.29
MyCash is an easy-to-use, yet powerful checking account manager with a special personal touch. Once you've experienced the complexity and…
BrickBuster 1.23
A breakout game with time limited power-ups, running highscore information and 250 levels played at random. It includes a built-in level…
Diving the Deep 1.1
Have a SCUBA vacation right on your desktop. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 30 photos of beautiful and colorful…

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