CLOX WebMaster ASC 2.0
Puts animated analog or digital clocks on your web site. Can be easily customised to show the time in your choice of timezone locations…
Repgen 2.25
Repgen generates the scripts required to setup and monitor an Oracle database Advanced Replication installation. The implementation of…
Example:  ACDSee
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programs found: 8.

1.Aeonserv 1.5 ( free  Aeonserv download
what to do can take up to 60 minutes configuring all of Aeonserv's applications from scratch. A beginner armed with Aeonserv can now do it in as little as 10. Do the math, it is staggering and professionals approve, Aeonserv is bottom line "better". Trying to organize up to 12 applications on a system can prove chaotic at best, especially when they all need to work with one another…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Victor Gonzalez | Size: 25263 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Other
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2.AIOCP (All In One Control Panel) 1.3.002 ( free  AIOCP (All In One Control Panel) download
(All In One Control Panel) is a free Open Source Content Management System (CMS), a professional platform-independent all-inclusive solution to completely manage a website or portal through a user friendly web-interface (WMS - Website Management System). Based on PHP/MySQL and open standard technologies, AIOCP is also an Internet/Intranet framework for web application development…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Nicola Asuni | Size: 8242 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Web Development > ASP & PHP
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3.Buensoft French 2004 ( free  Buensoft French download
French let's you play 14 listening-interactive games designed to give learners of all ages a fast and easy way to have fun and improve their French. BuenSoft French is not based on the same format as many others French Software programs with fixed content, instead BuenSoft French was created as a conversational utility where users can add to the program only the phrases…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Jesse Lizama | Size: 5116 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Education > Languages
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4.Buensoft Ingles 2004 ( free  Buensoft Ingles download
English let's you play 14 listening-interactive games designed to give learners of all ages a fast and easy way to have fun and improve their English. BuenSoft English is not based on the same format as many others English Software programs with fixed content, instead BuenSoft English was created as a conversational utility where users can add to the program only the…
Updated: 3, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Jesse Lizama | Size: 4879 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Education > Other
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5.Buensoft Spanish 2004 ( free  Buensoft Spanish download
Spanish let's you play 14 listening-interactive games designed to give learners of all ages a fast and easy way to have fun and improve their Spanish. BuenSoft Spanish is not based on the same format as many others Spanish Software programs with fixed content, instead BuenSoft Spanish was created as a conversational utility where users can add to the program only the…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Jesse Lizama | Size: 5051 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Education > Languages
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6.Flashpaste Lite 3.41 ( free  Flashpaste Lite download
Bored with typing the same text over and over? Stop! Flashpaste can help! Flashpaste is a new breed of text copying utility. The Windows clipboard is enough for most computer users but writers, coders, and developers need a more powerful, easily customizable and practical tool. Flashpaste is all that, and With Flashpaste, a user "programs in" frequently used addresses, e-mail text blocks, HTML codes, words, phrases and paragraphs. Then, the material can be easy inserted…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Nikolay Tyushkov | Size: 372 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > Clipboard Tools
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7.JXHTMLEDIT - WYSIWYG XHTML Editor 4.0.005 ( free  JXHTMLEDIT - WYSIWYG XHTML Editor download
is a cross-platform WYSIWYG HTML/XHTML content authoring tool, a very small Java applet based on the Java 2 Platform. JXHTMLEDIT provides word processor-like user interface that allows to edit the document directly in the final form (as will be rendered). JXHTMLEDIT is flexible and could be used to easily integrate WYSIWYG authoring functionality into existing products or…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Nicola Asuni | Size: 488 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Web Development > Java & JavaScript
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8.Zilla Anonymous Surfer ( free  Zilla Anonymous Surfer download
the internet you may find an image or advertisement with adult contents or something else that you don't want to see. choose block images and you will browse the page without images in a professional look 3) Killing popups: every internet user know these annoying popups that show up when trying to open a page or even leaving it. just run Zilla Anonymous Surfer and you will not…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 252 | Author: Zilla Software | Size: 1282 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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Home > Content delivery software

CompDoctor 3.3
CompDoctor is a reference tool that helps you fix bugs without having to take your PC out for repair or having to pay for someone to come…
RAR Password Recovery 1.1 RC16
RAR Password Recovery is a powerful tool to recover lost (forgotten) passwords for a RAR/WinRAR (2.xx and 3.xx) archives. The program…
ArtWonk 2.0
ArtWonk is an interactive program for creating MIDI music and graphics algorithmically. Not a set of canned me-too riffs or rules, but an…

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