Auto Mailer 2.2
Bulk email client for sending individual, personalized text or HTML messages to your mailing list. Emails can be sent with the built in…
Spin Around 1.2
Spin Around is a variation of the classical align three coloured balls. You can move a row of balls at time, but you can also rotate the…
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Home > Desktop hintergrund software

Atomic CD Email Extractor 1.50
Atomic CD Email Extractor is a simple, yet powerful solution for extracting email addresses from your CDs and DVDs. You can specify which…
ArtistScope CD 2.0
For copy protection of content distributed by email, download or on CD. ArtistScope CD produces an encrypted archive to prevent easy…
Writing in APA Style 1.1
This e-book will show you how to format your essay to conform to the style as set out in the Publication Manual of the American…

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