3D Multi Series Line Graph 2.1
This applet is designed to take multiple series of numerical data and display the information as a 3D Multi series Line Graph. The applet…
Realpopup 2.6.167
RealPopup replaces old winpopup with a full featured freeware tool which remains stable and simple as its predecessor. It's fully…
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Home > Child safety software

MoneyToys(tm) Website Calculators 1.6
The MoneyToys Collection of financial calculator applets is designed to give webmasters a simple way to add instant interactivity to a web…
PFS Manager 2.7
Organise all your digital images in a robust database. Create sophisticated web galleries of your iamges. Print, edit, search, document all…
Highly configurable and easy to use utility for managing your windows startup. One can choose which programms are allowed to run when…

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