XXCOPY 2.92.6
XXCOPY is a powerful superset of XCOPY using the same syntax. It can copy, remove, search, and list files/directories. Can clone a…
Robo-FTP 2.1.0
Secure script-driven Windows FTP client with 100+ commands supporting 128-bit SSL and SSH secure servers and integrated PGP…
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Home > External function software

BookCAT 7.12.02
BookCAT is a database program designed to catalog and manage a personal, club, school, church, or business library. BookCAT will help you…
CyberMatrix Timesheets Client/Server 3.00
CyberMatrix Timesheets is an easy to use Windows-based multi-user timesheet entry application that allows employees to quickly enter their…
RasterVect 8.3
Vectorizer. Transforms raster images into a vector format. Raster drawing can be imported by scanning original paper drawings. The target…

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