CFB SpotWord 1.0
See how many words you know with this game for Palm handhelds. The free trial version has all the features of the full version but only 10…
TR BookShelf 4
Bookshelf takes plain text (TXT) files and displays the contents as if they were printed in a book. You get two pages (or one if you wish)…
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  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.

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Home > Stripbabes software

WinPIM 8.10
WinPIM is a professional personal information manager (PIM). It can manage your Contacts, Diaries, Appointments, Tasks, Notes. WinPIM also…
BrainPower 1.00
The combinaton of 11 themes plus the possibility of adding NEW FREE themes makes BrainPower an unique game experience. This game has been…
FoldMonkey 1.46
Monitor a folder for new or incoming files. Rename files. Create directories based on names, extensions, creation, last accessed and…

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