LollyDex Correspondence Index 2.0
LollyDex is a document management tool optimized for correspondence control. It adapts to your systems and is suitable for paper or…
EquiFile FTP Client / Website Synchronizer
30 day free trial. EquiFile keeps track of all file changes for you, updating instantly. Designed for offline use with full remote…
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MidiNotate Musician 1.1.6
Find music on the internet and convert it to sheet music. Sing or play along while following the notes on the screen. You control the tempo…
uCertify - OCP Practice Test for Exam 1Z0-001 - 300+ Questions 8.00.05
Pass OCP 1Z0-001 in first attempt. 300 Questions with detailed explanation. 1Z0-001 Study notes, Articles and Mock Test. 99% pass rate…
TEXTools 2.2
While the other guys are still declaring variables, get the job done with TEXTools -- the powerful, pipe-based text processing workbench…

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