Waters Screensaver 1.1
Waters Screensaver shows you some pictures of waterfalls. You can watch Niagara falls, rock falls, etc. The pictures are shown using more…
Ace ScreenSaver 2.21
Ace ScreenSaver is an easy to use make-your-own slideshow screen saver. The program will display an unlimited number of photos, with more…
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VisNetic OddPost 2.1.0
VisNetic Oddpost is web-based email that combines the power and familiarity of a desktop email client-like Outlook or Outlook Express-with…
Euromat 1.8.5
Freeware office and currency calculator. Calculates the Euro and changing currency rates. Papertape, tax, discount, memory, brackets, excel…
Sool 1.2
Toolbox for VB, C++, Delphi in OCX format, ActiveX

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