Flash Math 1.04
Flash Math scales problems according to children's proficiency so that they are not frustrated by difficult problems or unchallenged by…
Piiigs in Spaaaace!!! 1.0
No, nothing to do with Muppets :-) Still, one of the funniest savers around! If I would say anithing, I would spoil the fun :-)
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a person simulator / RPG game with FPS combat where you control a prehistoric caveman! Starting with just a loincloth, you must explore the…
what are the symptoms of a yea CS Puzzle 1
Solve a fun and challenging what are the symptoms of a yeast infection CS Puzzle. Complete the puzzle to win…
WebcamMail 2.0
WebcamMail makes the video file very small and easy to transmit even with a 56k modem with an impeccable image quality. The streaming…

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