Active Direct Mail 1.23
This easily configurable remailer was designed for quick, reliable and secure sending e-mails directly to recipients. This cost-effective…
Advanced Find and Replace 2.3
Search files with smart queries as with AltaVista, replace simple or multiline text in multiple files. The batch replace operation easily…
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Operational system: Any | Windows 95 | 98 | ME | NT | 2000 | XP | CE | Unix | Palm | Mac

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Home > Arcade action software

Visual Log 2.10
Visual Log is an advanced windows logger, It logs all of running programs, associated files, network connections and of couse screenshots.
pssRecruit 2.53
pssRecruit is a Web-based job board, a smarter way to manage your recruiting. Copy three files to Web-enable your recruiting efforts. With…
Izlenim Site Monitor 1.00
Keep an eye on your Web sites and be alerted via E-Mail and/or ICQ if one or more sites goes down.

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