Tenant Billing 5.2.3
This program will manage Rental Properties ie: Houses, Factories, Condominiums etc. Saves information on Properties and Tenants. Print B…
Abacre Backup 1.0
Backup important documents on any storage media and protect your data from any computer disaster.
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Home > Bay software

MidiNotate Musician 1.1.6
Find music on the internet and convert it to sheet music. Sing or play along while following the notes on the screen. You control the tempo…
AB Commander XP 6.7
A powerful yet simple to use dual-panel file manager with built-in file splitter, folder synchronizer, image viewer, full-featured text…
HTMLProtector 3.5
Tool to protect content of web page and prevent others from viewing source code. It will also stop spam robots from extracting email…

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