Ansel Adams Photographs 5.0
Ansel Adams Photographs: In this screen saver are the photographs reflecting the beauty of America's National Parks, all seen through the…
ShyFile - File and Email Security 6.24
Create secure files that carry your encoded contents. Use your browser to decode. Symmetric keys are employed for your email and HTML…
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Home > Functions software

Cash Flow Planner 2.0
Simple and focused, this flexible Microsof Excel application allows you to plan cash flow for multiple years ahead, manage bills and…
SDE for JDeveloper (SE) for Mac OS X 1.1 Standard Edition
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML plug-in for JDeveloper. You can draw all types of UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, component ...) in…
WinPedit 5.10
WinPedit is the Windows version of the DOS era Pedit Once acquainted with a good DOS editor, it will out perform any Windows edito…

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