Wallpaper Manager 3.03 Wallpaper Manager is simply the highest quality software you can use to manager your wallpaper collection including…
xStarter 1.81
xStarter will help you to automate each and every process in your computer. Automate operations on schedule, or on a keypress or via…
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Home > Adventure software

A-Converter 1.0SR1
A-Converter is a handy utility, that can handle unit conversions in number of categories. Just enter the value, select category with the…
Antechinus C# Programming Editor 4.1
Seamlessly integrated with Microsoft's Beta 2 version of .NET, Antechinus allow you to design, compile and run C# applications from the…
5 Star Word Engine 3.2
Think you're pretty good at Scrabble? Hardly anyone can beat you at Boggle? Then try this one! From a randomly selected set of letters it…

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