R-Mail 1.0
R-MAIL is Outlook Express mail recovery and undelete software designed for recovery accidentally deleted e-mail messages and recovery…
Security Forms 1.0
Collection of security and human resources related forms including; Absentee report, Acknowledgment of receipt of company property…
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NikNak 2003 V1.0.0
A dockable bar that shows you often used information like time, day, date, CPU and memory usage, disk space and internet data speed. You…
Cinemati 1.0
Designed by Acclaimed Orion Studios, Cinemati is an Enhanced Media Player for Windows. Designed to allow direct access to movie files and…
ActiveEmail SMTP E-mail Toolkit 2.1
ActiveEmail provides an easy-to-use programming interface to SMTP e-mail and NNTP news Use it to send messages automaticall…

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