Bezique 1.1
A fascinating card game for two in which you play against the computer. In this version you play against Winston Churchill. It was…
Visendo popConnect 6.0
MS Exchange Server is not able to collect mails from external POP3 or IMAP4 accounts. popConnect is built to do that. It connects to POP3…
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Home > Smart evrox software

AutoHotkey 1.0.20
Script your own macros and hotkeys. Any key, mouse/joystick button, or combination can become a hotkey. Automate almost anything: Send…
Desktop Graffiti 1.0
Watch various characters write their messages on your screen. Choose your characters and backgrounds for both standard and customized…
DataBull - download stock quotes 2.3.3
DataBull is a comprehensive downloader for historical, end-of-day and intraday data from over 50 international exchanges. DataBull directly…

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