License4J 1.2
License4J is a pure Java library for creating and validating licenses. The key concept is features of a license. You can easily add any…
OpenSezMe 1.3
OpenSezMe is the premier data storage and retrieval system. In one single application, there is a secure place to track all your…
Example:  KaZaA
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1.Cryptocx v6 6.1.3 ( free  Cryptocx v6 download
It is very easy to add Cryptocx to an existing application or web site backend. Use Cryptocx to encrypt your data, totally securing it. EasyByte Cryptocx v6 builds upon the previous releases of Cryptocx to add further powerful features in a very easy to use bundle. Data security is becoming more and…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: EasyByte Software | Size: 3999 kb | Demo
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2.Global Positioning Submitter 2.01 ( free  Global Positioning Submitter download
Submitter is a country specific foreign search engine submission software package. Developed to target search engines in a specific country, thereby facilitating the promotion of web sites in a geographical area based on target market preferences. Global Positioning Submitter is a country specific foreign search engine submission software package. Developed to target…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Ivan Mihailov | Size: 1758 kb | Demo
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Atlantis Word Processor
Atlantis is an innovative word processor carefully designed with the end-user in mind. Compact, fast-loading, but still powerful and…
30 Free Patience 3.1 US
Play 30 great solitaire card games for free. More than 50 variations. Photo-realistic card graphics in 3 sizes. High quality sounds…
ASP2VB converter 1.1
A simple program that converts any ASP code into VB code. May be helpful when converting ASP/HTML into VB components and many other cases…

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