MP3 Convert_It! 1.0
MP3 Convert_It! converts your MP3's to WAV files. Drag and Drop your MP3's into the queue window of MP3 Convert_It!, click and…
Moraff UltraBlast 6.50
If you like Breakout then you will love Ultra Blast. Start with the simple solid wall mode then slowly move up towards the expert and…
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Home > Windows 95 software

GeneralCost Estimator for Excel 3.02
General Construction Cost Estimator. Save time and money in cost estimating. Designed for contractors, remodelers, estimators. Built-in…
AceReader 4.7c
Productivity/Educational Self-Improvement Speed Reading Software. Read faster while on your computer. Learn to read faster both on and off…
Absolute Backgammon 4.2
Ready for a fun game of backgammon? Try this excellent, feature packed and easy to use backgammon game. With superb graphics and 5 skill…

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