Project Source Tracker 1.0
Project Source Tracker - A plug-in for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 used to collect various statistical information on the current Pro…
Medical Suite / Psychololgy-Patient Management Software 3.0
The Medical Suite provides a full range of patient management functionality for Cardiology. It can handle an unlimited number of patients.
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Link Popularity Check 3.0.1
Link Popularity Check is a handy tool for web site owners that allows you to check your link popularity and compare it to your competitors…
Homeopathy 3.5
The Homeopathy software data-bank lists homeopathic products by symptoms and by affliction. Cell Salts and Tongue Diagnostic are added for…
Spy Cleaner Gold 9.2
Spy Cleaner identifies and removes these surreptitiously installed applications. Using updateable "reflists," which are sort of like…

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