SciWriter is an XML based WYSIWYM word processor that completely integrates writing mathematics and text in the same environment. The…
Random Number Generator Pro 1.34
Random Number Generator is a Windows based application designed to generate random numbers.
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Activex software

JewelDrops Deluxe 1.0
JewelDrops Deluxe is a super enhanced and stylish tetris-style arcade game. During play, you manipulate triplets of jewels to form…
StarStrider 2.8
StarStrider is a software planetarium that utilizes the latest in 3D-technology in order to show you not only the planets and satellites of…
DiamondCS Port Explorer 2.100
See which ports belong to which programs! Port Explorer shows all the open ports on your system and what programs own them. Along with this…

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