ReaGIF - Image converter to GIF 2
ReaGIF is our popular image converter, allowing you to both convert and edit images from most commonly used graphic formats to GIF. You can…
Visual Illustrations 2.2
The full version of Visual Illustrations computerized book contains 35 powerful exciting Christian object lessons and 70 bonus lessons…
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Home > Programmable software

ExAlert for Windows Messenger 1.0
ExAlert is an add-in for Windows Messenger designed to inform a user about new messages received in his/her mailbox on the Microsoft…
EditPad Pro 5.4.5
EditPad Pro is a powerful and versatile text editor or word processor, designed to make text editing as convenient as possible. Write and…
Back Rest 3.0
Back up and restore files and folders. Create highly customized, self-extracting archives. Runs manually from a project list, or unattended…

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