Slot Machine Clinic 1.0
Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students calculate the probability of three different…
AlarIT Virtual Serial Driver (AVSD) 2.0
AVSD is appointed for emulation of one, two or more (up 200) serial streams. Hardware devices are not necessary. This product is based…
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Home > Device software

ForeStock 1.1
Collection of advanced forecasting algorithms for Equis Metastock(R). ARIMA with seasonal trend detection. Stepwise multivariate…
PDFMoto 1.6
PDFMoto automatically produces PDF’s from documents produced in desktop applications. PDFMoto can be used as a batch PDF Converter or to…
Rook+ 1.6
Rook+ is a trick-taking card game with many similarities to the ancient card game of Rook.

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