Advanced Text2Gif 2.0
Advanced Text2Gif enables you to createpictures from plain text. It is very useful when you want to keep the original settings of your text…
RememberNotes.exe 1.0.3
RememberNotes stores notes about things you want to remember, and make them appear on screen at user defined dates. Showing deadline may be…
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Home > Spell software

Related keywords: spell check, spell checker, spell checking, Spell Check, spell checking software, Aspose Spell, delphi spell check, delphi spell checker, form spell check, caption spell checking

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  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.

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Home > Spell software

WhoCalls 1.7.0
WhoCalls will use your modem to detect the CallerID of a calling party. It will not answer the call, just display the caller information… 1.0 provides free internet solutions to permit users to accept on-line information from visitors. Users can create one…
EPIware 2.1
EPIware is an off-the-shelf Internet application that provides affordable project and document management solutions for individuals…

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