ViewFolderSize 2.52
ViewFolderSize is Windows Explorer add-in, which adds ability to view folder's content size as well as file size. Now you needn't any…
TBS Easy Fixed Assets 5.50
TBS Easy Fixed Assets will keep track of fixed assets, by location or asset no., calculate monthly depreciation amounts, prints reports…
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Home > Quran software

Stardust Screen Saver Control 2003
Stardust Screen Saver Control 2003 is a free taskbar accessory that lets you launch and configure all your screen savers.
API Generator for Visual Basic 1.0
The API Generator is an advanced API Viewer that enables you to create prototypes for any VB API calls.
Biorhythms Studio II 2.01.0033
Biorhythms Studio II through having a friendly interface and a set of powerful tools helps people investigate their biorhythms. Unlike…

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