TimeChimes Automated Audio Player 2.00
TimeChimes will play a sound or sounds at pre-scheduled times of day on each day of the week. Typically, TimeChimes can used to play school…
Prime Number Spiral 7.00
The Prime Number Spiral (a.k.a. the Ulam Spiral) is formed by marking the prime numbers in a spiral arrangement of the natural numbers…
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Home > Iconic software

Emoticons Mail 3.2
Emoticons Mail makes it really easy to insert graphical smileys in your Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express email messages. It takes just…
SFVManager 1.2.2
Freeware batch checker/manager of SFV filesets, check, create, maintain, copy, move and zip support.
ASPMaker 4.2
ASPMaker is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database…

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