PreMaker 2.0
PreMaker (Presentation Maker) is a simple way to create image-based stand-alone presentations. You can easy make your own presentation…
Create Student Class Schedules with Excel 1.3
The program was developed to schedule Adult Day Care activities and has applications in scheduling students to other types of classes. It…
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Home > Qbe software

FreeCell Wizard 3.0
FreeCell Wizard is a solitaire game that includes the popular game FreeCell and 15 other similar games. It features lush graphics, large…
Software Techniques Parsing Tool (STPT) 2.0.0
Allows a user to extract (parse) numeric data (tables, lists, numbers) and non-numeric data (words, sentences) from any ASCII (text) file…
Pop Stop V1A
Pop ups are an increasing annoyance and takes away from an enjoyable web experience. Pop-up windows are introduced in stealth, when…

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