Regular Expressions for MS SQL server 1.51
The Regular Expressions for MS SQL Server offer an extremely powerful way to search, replace, format and extract text data inside a string…
Batch It! Pro 3.72
Batch It! Pro is an automated Batch Imaging Editor which allows you to resize, rename, rotate, create thumbnail galleries, add captions…
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Home > Flc software

Mine Conveyor 3.0
You can design belt conveyors quickly. Enter conveyor data in U.S. or metric units and get output in either. You obtain capacity details…
Casino Be the Dealer 2004 2.6
BeTheDealer Casino software offers popular games, including, Blackjack, Baccarat, Caribbean Poker, Pai Gow Poker, War, Roulette, Slot…
Zero 2.0
Zero is an easy to use software for Windows 9x that will restore a computers system settings and system folders to a predefined state on…

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