EnVision Publisher for Windows 3.0
Envision Publisher is a very well done desktop-publishing program. Use its intuitive visual design environment to create newsletters…
Dominant Ad Creator 2.3.2
Dominant Ad Creator allows anyone to create full-blown, professional looking auction ads in a matter of minutes! The ads you create are…
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Home > Transforming password software

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Home > Transforming password software

SynchroFolder 2.12a
Synchronizes contents of operating system folders. Supports synchronization of files, attributes and NTFS security attributes of files and…
Webcrypt Pro 5.0
Fully encrypt your HTML Option to encrypt the whole document (including meta tags) or just the body, leaving your meta tags intact (full…
Unofficial AlltheWeb Toolbar 1
IEBar.com's Unofficial AlltheWeb Internet Explorer Toolbar is like Google's toolbar but for the AlltheWeb search engine.

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