skinmagic toolkit for visual c++ source code 2.2
SkinMagic is a powerful library that changes the visual appearance of windows or dialogs, providing developers with full-featured support…
Handy Backup 2.1
Easy-to-use powerful backup program for Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me/XP. Strong file encryption, password protection and zip compression on the…
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www-Sharp.ClrHost 1.40
Create full-featured compiled HTML applications that can use .Net objects. HTA compiler included.
The Classified Connection 2.1.0
The Classified Connection is website promotion and submission software for submitting your business, product, or services ads to classified…
Registry Cleaner - RegFix Mantra 2.1
RegFix Mantra undertakes complete cleaning of Windows Registry and hard drive, fixes inconsistencies in Registry and files. Optimizes your…

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