TextAloud 2.162
Converts any text into spoken words. Reads Text, Email, Web Pages, and documents using your choice of voices. Unique Text to MP3 or WMA…
avast! Virus Cleaner 1.0.207
avast! Virus Cleaner is a free tool that will completely remove selected viruses & worms from PC: Badtrans, Beagle, Blaster, BugBear…
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1.Zilla Internet Connection Accelerator (ZillaSoft.ws) free  Zilla Internet Connection Accelerator download
the best size settings for your system. Configure the TTL (Time To Live) value that defines how long a packet can stay active before being discarded. Configure Keep Alive Time & Keep Alive Interval values to prevent your connection from being automatically disconnected after an ideal connection. Protect your system aganist SYN Flood attack. Protection aganist ICMP redirect attack…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 304 | Author: Ahmad Elbanhawy | Size: 3331 kb | Freeware
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Home > Live stats software

JADC (Advanced Digital Clock) 1.0.007
JADC (Advanced Digital Clock) is both a digital clock and a time counter (countdown or count up display, to or from a particular time)…
PageFocus Pro 6.71
A features-rich and versatile application for creating drawing, form, document, PDF generation, and form-based applications. The package…
Able Submitter 2.2
Free URL submitter to Search Engines, Directories and Link Pages.

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