Pennsylvania Birth Certificates 4.0.38
Pennsylvania birth certificates database - Find Pennsylvania birth certificates instantly with our search engine.Get certified copies of…
Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX 1.0
Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX SDK Features Caller ID Extraction,Digit Monitor and Playback, Wave File Playback and Recording on Phone Line. You…
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Home > Form processing software

Point Hunter 1.1
Point Hunter is a Pacman-style game, fascinating and interesting. In this game of you wait the big adventures.
KeyboardTest 2.2
Quickly check all the keys on your computer keyboard are functioning correctly. Examine the internal Windows and BIOS scan codes being…
ASEDAC 1.3.7
ASEDAC is Sybase ASE BDE replacement for Delphi/C++Builder . ASEDAC allows to create applications with direct access to Sybase ASE DB…

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