Advanced Font Catalog 1.20
Advanced Font Catalog - fast and easy-to-use utility to catalog all kind of font media (floppies, CD-ROMS, ZIP disks etc) with search…
Web Directory Generator 1.0
Fast, easy for use, small-sized, software for generating directory-like web sites. Set your template, subtemplates and data as text files…
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Home > Delete cookies software

Spanish Whiz 6.6
Spanish Whiz is an excellent Spanish vocabulary building program with sound capabilities (practice listening and pronunciation), and the…
Built for Employees 1.0
Built for small business as a detailed management tool for your daily employees activities. Designed in an easy to use environment and…
Intech Pop3 1.0
ITPop3 is a full-featured ActiveX control that includes text-to-speech and automatic decryption capabilities. The installation package…

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