AttributeMagic Free! 1.0.4
AttributeMagic Free! - utility to view and change file attributes: creation date, last access date and modify date.
Password Lock Transparent Screensaver Utility 1.10
Password protect access to your computer, while monitoring programs that are running in the background. Perfect for system administrators…
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Home > Url submit software

Pipeline 2002 1.00
It is a game of pipes. You are to stop them, from flooding all the world. You are our last hope. To stop the attack you must close pipe…
Avral Tramigo 1.0
A tool for translating Flash MX SWF files into foreign languages. Supports Western European, Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and Middle…
ActiveX Windows NT/2000 group and account UserManager 2.03
Complette COM interface to Windows NT/2000/XP local or domain account database. Contains simple powefull objects for creating, deleting…

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